Filmora9 FAQ

Download, Install and Upgrade: How can I activate my Filmora9?

Currently, there are two ways to activate Filmora9 after purchasing.


What is WSID?

It’s your Wondershare account. Usually, the email you used to purchase Filmora9 will be your Wondershare account. Every user should log in to his WSID first before going to the export process. 

Here are the steps:

I. Open Filmora9, select Create New Project to enter the editing mode

II. Click the Avatar icon in the top right corner and the login window will pop up

III. Login with your Wondershare account (licensed email).

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IV. After login, it will show you as a paid user. 

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2. Offline Activation

If the first method (WSID) doesn’t work for you or when you don’t have internet access, you can try an offline activation option to activate your license as well.

Here are the steps:

I. Open Filmora9, select Create New Project to enter the editing mode

II. Go to Help, and click Offline Activation.

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III. Then it will pop up a window asking you to activate your software. Please copy and paste your licensed email and registration code to activate it (You will receive your registration code in your confirmation email after purchasing)

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