Filmora9 FAQ

Others - FAQ: How to Cancel My Subscription?

You can cancel the subscription from CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION with your order or licensed email. For order which paid via Paypal or 2Checkout, it may need to cancel the subscription from Paypal or 2Checkout with below instruction:


Paypal (order number start with “B”):

For the orders number start with “B”(like B4FH04857N08XXXXX),you can cancel the subscription on your Paypal account with below instructions:

  1. Click the Settings icon next to "Log out" and select "Account Settings" from the dropdown.
  2. Click Money, banks and cards on the left.
  3. Click Set Automatic Payments to the right of "Automatic payments".
  4. Click on the merchants name you wish to cancel.
  5. Click Cancel and then click Yes to confirm.

You can also refer to for further information.


2Checkout(order number start with “AG”):

  1. Go to myAccount site,
  2. Create New Account with your "Order number" or "Email address"
  3. Go to “My Products”, click on “Stop automatic license renewal” beneath each product that has this option enabled.
  4. You can also contact 2Checkout support directly:

If the above solution can’t help you out, please provide licensed email or order number and click Wondershare Support Team to get further help.