Filmora9 FAQ

Download, Install and Upgrade: Why I got an old version V7.8.9

After purchasing Filmora9, some users found they always got an old version 7.8.9. Quite surprising, right?

In this case, you need to check if your operating system is running 64bits or 32bits.

You can find This PC or My Computer on desktop, right click it, and select Properties, it will pop up a window, and you can see if the system type shows 32 bits. 

If your computer is 32 bit, I'm sorry to tell you that V 7.8.9 is the latest version that can be installed on a 32 bit computer. This old version is easy to cause problems. And Filmora 32 bit has been discontinued already.

Our Filmora9 can only work on a 64 bit computer. So if you want to use Filmora9, it’s advised to upgrade your operating system to 64 bits first.