Filmora - AI Video Editor
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The 1st content: "Creativity of Stickers". Here, we are introduced to the various options in which we can make attach a sticker to desired points of our video. Basic understanding of how the feature works is being described here.

  • Choose a sticker from the plethora of options which we are provided.
  • Drag the sticker into the desired point of our video's timeline, for the desired effect to take place.
  • 00:28

    The first content: Editing with Stickers.


    We see a clip of a person running in a vacation-spot, and how a sticker which reads: "HAPPY LIFE" is placed in a way that best suits the video-clip.


    The 2nd content: "Sticker with Motion Track" Easy steps to follow:

  • With the 'Select'-option, pick a 'Movement Point'
  • Click on 'Start Tracking' for the software to 'Analyze the footage'
  • Drag the sticker in the similar way, as in step 2 of the 1st content, above.
  • Click on Motion Tracking > The Drop, and choose 'Various Effects Elements' to start tracking the motion-sticker in video; and place the motion-sticker to the desired place.
  • 01:03

    We see that a water-wave trail sticker is placed in a video-clip, at the edge of a surfing board of a water-surfer. Once successfully incorporated, it is seen that the wave-sticker is moving in sync with the person who is surfing on the water.


    At this point the video starts displaying examples of stickers being used in video clips, stated below:


    A lady and a man is seen having a conversation, we see stickers which resemble 'Vacations', 'a puzzled brain-doodle', 'a landmark/location-pin'


    A man in a swimming pool, stickers resembling 'air-filled tubes' and 'a swimming board.'


    Two ladies floating on air-filled swim-boards and stickers resembling 'a Sun,' 'a yatch', 'clouds'


    A man eating a burger, stickers resembling 'doodles around the burger', 'blush and eye-watering of the man, due to happiness over the food'


    A clip of a family camping, stickers resembling 'a postcard, that reads: Family Camp', 'the sticks used in bonfire, having animated smiley-faces'


    Another camping clip, stickers resemble 'bonfire', 'a camping tent', 'direction planks, reading LEFT and RIGHT'


    A lady walking down a lane, stickers resembling 'the word VLOG', 'a Sun, doodled', 'musical notes, to indicate that the lady is singing/humming'.


    A man smiling looking at his phone, stickers resembling 'the word Happy Time', 'various social-media icons, popping out from the phone'


    Two ladies taking a selfie, stickers resembling 'a pair of bunny-ears on one of the lady'


    A group of friends raising beer-bottles, stickers resembling 'various kinds of emojis popping out of the bottles, viz. a heart, squirt of champagne, a star, etc.', 'ears, horns, bee-like antennas on top of the friends' heads', 'a wave of wind gustling by'


    A person opening a travel map, stickers resembling 'location pins, a star-like network of location pins, pointing in various cardinal directions'


    Two people riding on a scooter, stickers resembling 'angel-wings on the pillion rider', 'a halo', clouds'


    A person watching the sky with a telescope, stickers resembling 'planets', 'stars', 'UFOs', and 'other celestial bodies


    The entire video comes to an end here, with the concluding frame.

    How to Make Your Videos Quirky and Eye-catching with Stickers?


    What you need to prepare:

    • A computer (Windows or macOS)
    • Your video materials.
    • Filmora video editor
    Step 1

    Click the "Elements" tab

    Open Filmora and find the "Elements" tab. You can find more than hundreds of stickers to use from.

    A different way to prompt your feelings via the best stickers for Filmora. It is a large collection of emoji HD stickers.

    Step 2

    Select the category you require.

    For instance, select an Emoji, select the sticker you want a drag and drop above the timeline.

    Step 3

    Adjust the layout.

    Augmented reality-based stickers can add movie visual effects to your videos. It adjusts its shape and motion according to the character or characters present in the video. Similar to Instagram or tik-tok effects. And most importantly they are free to use. Steps to follow to get perfect AR-based effects.

    Open Filmora and locate the “Effects” tab.

    Filmora can be your one-stop resource library for video effects and stock media. Over 10M+ video footage clips and video effects you can find in the software.

    Step 4

    Select AR Stickers.

    Now, you will get to see the “AR Stickers” Section, where you can find stickers for every mood.

    Step 5

    Drag and drop the sticker above the timeline.

    It will adjust itself according to the video.


    What you've learned:

    • You can use stickers to personalized your video.
    • You can find more sticker assets in Filmora Elements & Effects.
    • Now you can use Filmora to try more stickers and video effects.

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