Filmora - AI Video Editor
Edit Faster, Smarter and Easier!

Choose Your Plan for Text-to-Speech

Convert text to human voice in one click.


Automatically renew, cancel any time

100,000 characters
AI automatic transcription
28 languages supported (new languages to be added)
Unlimited access to technical support

Automatically renew, cancel any time

200,000 characters
AI automatic transcription
28 languages supported (new languages to be added)
Unlimited access to technical support
For more plans, contact our Customer Service here!

Frequently asked questions

What languages can be generated with Text-to-Speech feature?

A total of 28 languages are currently supported, the same number as Filmora. More languages will be added in the future.

Suported Languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese(Mandarin/Cantonese), Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English(US/UK), French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Marathi, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese(Brazil/Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Spanish(US/Spain), Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Ukrainian