Filmora - AI Video Editor
Edit Faster, Smarter and Easier!
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia

Embrace the dreamlike worlds emerging
digital algorithms and craft a universe powered by
your imagination. What are you waiting for?

Select your Aitopia realm
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
Visually driven, Dreamers find
solace in their imagination
and bringing their innovative
ideas to life.
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
Merging technology and
Art, Technicians wield AI to
amplify their skills reaching new
echelons of technical mastery.
Select your Aitopia realm
Dreamertrendbook aitopia

Visually driven, Dreamers find solace in
their imagination and bringing their
innovative ideas to life.

Enter the Dreamer Realm
TECHNICIANtrendbook aitopia

Merging technology and
Art, Technicians wield AI to amplify their skills
reaching new echelons of technical mastery.

Enter the Technician Realm
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
Simple Guide to
Accessing Effects
trendbook aitopia

Step 1

Download Filmora
for free and create
new project

trendbook aitopia

Step 2

Click on these tabs
at the top of the

trendbook aitopia

Step 3

Type desired
effect name into
search bar

trendbook aitopia

Step 4

Drag and drop the
effect onto your

trendbook aitopia

Step 1

Download Filmora
for free and create
new project

trendbook aitopia

Step 2

Click on these tabs
at the top of the

trendbook aitopia

Step 3

Type desired
effect name into
search bar

trendbook aitopia

Step 4

Drag and drop the
effect onto your

Filmora effects are only available for Filmora users

trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
Use these Video Effect Packs To
Make Your Videos Soar
trendbook aitopia

Dreamy backgrounds Vol 02

Transcend your content into true
AItopia with these potently idealist

trendbook aitopia

Influencer Toolkit Vol 1

For Dreamers this toolkit is full
of assets to
help create your
image of AITOPIA

trendbook aitopia

3D Product Background Pack

Showcase your product in the retro-
futuristic aesthetic brought by the
otherworldly AItopia

trendbook aitopia

AI Dream Templates

Brand new templates for bringing
your dreams to life

trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia
Create your visual epiphany
using simple verbal commands
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia
Create copyright-free music
for your AI video masterpiece
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
Bring your imagination to life with
just a snippet of text!
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia

Create Your Vision of the Future

Show us how AI is going to change the world!

Create a video with AITOPIA effects
and win big.

trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
How to Participate trendbook aitopia

Step 1

Create a video using
AITOPIA effects

Step 2

Share your creation on
YouTube, Instagram,
Twitter or Discord

Step 3

Use #aitopia and tag

trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia

Claim your stage

trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia trendbook aitopia
Download Filmora Download Filmora Download Filmora Download Filmora

to begin your AITOPIA journey!