1. What is Filmora Limited Time Free Assets?
Filmora Limited Time Free Assets is a curated selection of
premium Creative Assets that users may export for free
within the specified time period. These assets are
continually refreshed and updated on a regular basis by
Filmora’s team.
2. How do I know which assets are a part of the Limited
Time Free Assets?
Limited Time Free Assets are identifiable by the Limited
Free Icon in Filmora (Version 13.1.0 and above)
3. How do I use the Limited Time Free Assets?
Limited Time Free Assets work just like any other Creative
Asset in Filmora! Simply choose the asset you want to use
and drag it to your timeline to apply it.
4. How long is the Limited Time Free period?
As these assets are hand-selected for various promotional
purposes by the Filmora team, the period varies depending
on the assets. Users can view the duration by viewing the
time period next to the specific asset in Filmora.
5. Are there any restrictions on the use of Limited Time
Free Assets?
No, there are no restrictions to the Limited Time Free
Assets during the free period. They support unlimited
export until the end of the promotional period; at this
point, users will need to purchase a Filmora Creative
Assets license to continue exporting the specific assets.
6. Why can’t I export the Limited Time Free Assets that
were previously available?
The promotional period for the Limited Time Free Assets
may have expired, or your project file may contain other
paid assets. In both cases, users will need to subscribe
to a Filmora Creative Assets license to export their
project with the assets. If users are still having issues
exporting, they can contact Filmora’s customer service.
7. Will I be charged a fee for using the Limited Time Free
Assets after the expiration of the free period?
No, users will not be charged at any point after using the
Limited Time Free Assets. However, to continue to export
after the free period has ended, users will need to
subscribe to Filmora Creative Assets.
8.What kind of assets will be chosen as Limited Time Free
Assets are chosen based on Filmora’s promotional
activities throughout the year and may include any of the
asset types in Filmora (Audio, Titles, Transitions,
Effects, Stickers & Templates)