Filmora - AI Video Editor
Edit Faster, Smarter and Easier!


Complete the

Challenge for a
chance at the
creator fund 2000
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WIN BIG: Cash prizes
totalling up to
$2000, and
FREE Filmora licenses!

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Check Contest Details
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Get inspired from our video
prompt randomizer below!

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Shape your story with
Filmora creative features
like AI Smart Cutout, LUTs,
AI Text-to-Video, etc

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Publish your video on your
social media channels with
hashtag #FilmoraAIStory

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Up for a challenge?
Select your own reality

choose your prompt


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Digital creator

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chéna verony


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ryan nifsya


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using AI-Powered
to craft
your story

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AI Smart Cutout

  • Say Goodbye to Time-consuming Green Screen
  • Bring to Perfection Frame by Frame
  • Multiple Preview Modes, Easier Identification
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  • Apply LUTs to your footage to get a distinctive look
  • Add LUTs to enhance your storyline with cinematic effects.
  • Infuse your projects with a magical aura
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AI Smart Mask

  • Seamless Object Masking with a Single Brush Stroke.
  • Intelligent Object Recognition within Videos.
  • Automated Mask Generation for Enhanced Effects.
  • Fine-Tuned Mask Control for Every Detail.
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AI Text-to-Video

  • Transform text into dynamic visual stories.
  • Generate engaging videos from text inputs instantly.
  • Convert ideas into stunning videos effortlessly.
  • Customize fonts, styles, and transitions for unique creations.
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AI Smart Cutout

  • Say Goodbye to Time-consuming Green Screen
  • Bring to Perfection Frame by Frame
  • Multiple Preview Modes, Easier Identification
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  • Apply LUTs to your footage to get a distinctive look
  • Add LUTs to enhance your storyline with cinematic effects.
  • Infuse your projects with a magical aura
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AI Smart Mask

  • Seamless Object Masking with a Single Brush Stroke.
  • Intelligent Object Recognition within Videos.
  • Automated Mask Generation for Enhanced Effects.
  • Fine-Tuned Mask Control for Every Detail.
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AI Text-to-Video

  • Transform text into dynamic visual stories.
  • Generate engaging videos from text inputs instantly.
  • Convert ideas into stunning videos effortlessly.
  • Customize fonts, styles, and transitions for unique creations.
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HOW TO create

Tutorials on Filmora channel

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