With our tips and tricks,
we want to help you grow and inspire your next video!
we want to help you grow and inspire your next video!

Create Fun Magic Effects Easily
in Filmora
Make a Surprising Appearance on Camera
Adding some simple magic tricks can add extra fun and spark to your video. In this tutorial, we will show you three creative ways to appear on camera. Let's get started!
More Magic Tricks for You
Start With Magic Cards
Magic cards, pen drops, and trick shots can be easily created by jump cuts and smart framing.
Quickly Clone Yourself
We will show you how to use masking and speed ramping to create this popular effect.
Remove an Object
With keyframe, you can remove unwanted objects in the video and watch the magic happen.
Features that Help You Play With Magic
Try These Filmora Features to Create Your Video
Use Effect Packs to Enhance Magic Ambiance
Get Inspired by Other Creators
FCC program is a creator incentive program that aims to empower Filmora users

#FilmoraPower video campaign

Tutorial: Sky Replacement

The Magic Potato