Key Steps of This Video Tutorial To Follow
First, picture yourself recording as clothes float before your eyes. Ensure to shoot enough clips, particularly while leaping and switching clothes. You can also strike a pose in each of your outfits and ensure your stance is consistent.
Finally, get a good photo of the garments lined up so you may remove the backdrop later.
You can start editing with Filmora after launching it on your device.
Start a new project in Filmora and drag & drop all the clips you've already shot. Start by adding the first clip to the timeline. Then, you can add apparel photos one by one with backgrounds eliminated.
Drag the garment picture from the frame and place it over the first clip. After that, you can use keyframes to make the transitions seamless. Remember, this part is crucial since it helps create a smooth visual flow.
You can add more pictures with their backdrops removed and proceed as before. However, begin in a new location this time. You can drag the image around the frame, ensuring no breaks. Proceed two or three trips around the timeline to complete all the photos.
Use Filmora's copy-and-paste function to your advantage. It saves time and ensures the keyframed clothing is in the correct positions. You can check it by scrolling to the leaping portions.
Keyframing each clothing change allows you to fine-tune the leaping effect. Moreover, it also keeps consistency. It is relatively easy to ensure a smooth transition. Look at the clothes and ensure they align with the intended postures.
To make the films the exact length you want, add the posing clips to the timeline and cut them. This step completes the tutorial by showing you how to use Filmora's unique features.
As you can see, Filmora plays a crucial role in making fashion transition videos. You can use these strategies to add style to your video content. So, create your next video with a jump-in outfit effect.
Michelle's Other Filmora Master Lessons