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Making Immersive Videos with Sound Effects

Sean Kitching

Sound effects can completely transform your videos. With its help, you can make your audience feel like they are present in the actual plot. Tools like Filmora offer many sound effects to add a professional touch to your videos. You can experiment with sounds, filter out background noise, and layer sound effects. Learn to take your videos to the next level with professional sound effects.

Key Steps of This Video Tutorial To Follow

00:22 Record Surrounding Sound

While shooting, recording as many sounds as possible is ideal. Your video will seem more professional with these noises added in real time. Likewise, there are instances when you could hear disturbing interference or background noise. So, it is up to you whether to keep or remove those sounds.

00:50 Remove Any Distractions

A background noise like wind or waves can overpower your voice. Use a feature like AI Denoise to cut background noise if your audio isn't clear. You can use this to improve the quality of your audio and make it more pleasing to hear.

01:30 Find the Required Sound Effects

Listen to each scene in your video without any soundtracks or music in the background. Suppose your location is a beach. Then, you can include sound effects such as birds winging their wings, waves lapping at the shore, or people conversing. You can make the audio experience sound alive and lifelike. Make the soundscape more expansive and engaging by layering these sounds.

use filmora's sound effects library
02:10 Layering Sound Levels

Be careful not to overdo it when you add sound effects. The objective is to create an atmosphere that is both natural and unobtrusive. You must avoid overwhelming the audience with excessive sound effects. The audience must experience the absence of these noises.

layer sound effects correctly
02:51 Enhance the Video with Extra Effects

Look for empty spaces in your videos where you can add some sound. The best way is to find transition clips and support them with a suitable sound effect. You can add whooshes and other sound effects to transitions.


You can make your videos more immersive for the audience by adding sound effects. These effects can make or break your video quality. Remember that achieving a genuine and realistic audio experience requires effort. You may need to record in real-time and experiment with different effects. So, put in the time to try various sound effects. You'll be astounded by how they can completely change your video's look and make your viewers feel. Try Filmora to get access to an extensive library of sound effects.

Filmora Creative Assets, the in-built stock in Filmora, offers a vast collection of resources such as video effects, overlays, music, and sound effects. Download Filmora to try the effect and find more creativity possibilities.

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