Note: This video tutorial is compatible with Filmora V11, V12 and V13 versions.
Filmstock is a one-stop shop for royalty free video effects, music and sound effects, stock video footage and more stock media. After subscribing to Filmstock, you can download video effects for both Filmora video editor and for other video editing software like Adobe After Effects.
You can download high resolution stock video footage and images & photos, and some inspirational music and sound effects as well. Click the image below and explore more creative media resources for your video.

Best Sources of Royalty Free Music
Music or soundtracks seems to be leading with regards to the number of sources where you can download without any copyright infringements. Some of these sources include websites that collect royalty free music from different sources and make them available to the public. Others include artists who allow other people to use their works provided they give credit back to the owners. Here are few places where you can download some of these media-:
This source avails to you thousands of royalty-free tracks that you can use in your music, films, videos and games amongst other multimedia projects. It includes both free and paid downloads but there are thousands of tracks labeled "free" which you can download and use immediately.
This is a community music website with tones of free-royalty music. The music in this site falls under the Creative Commons License where you may be required to give credit when you use music downloaded from this site.
This is another place where you will find thousands of royalty-free music for your video projects.
Property that falls under Public Domain implies that they no longer have intellectual property rights attached to them. Either the rights have expired or they have been forfeited. In this place, you will find music, video and images that have been declared to be under public domain hence you are free to use them without violating any copyright laws.
This site is almost similar to Public Domain and it provides thousands of tracks whose copyrights have expired.
Best Sources for Royalty Free Images
Images are an integral part in any video project hence it is important that you choose the best to capture the theme and the tone of your video. Since you may not be in a position to get the best shots and you are also not allowed to steal other people's images and use in your video, your only option is to use royalty free images. Here are a few sources where you can find such-:
Pixels has a collection of fresh, free, grotesque and height resolution photos that you can download and use for your video projects. The photos have been contributed by talented artists hence they are of very good quality.

This place avails to you thousands upon thousands of royalty free photos that you can download and use for your projects. You can use them either for commercial or non commercial purposes.
iStockPhoto has been a long time source of royalty free images for people with video projects. One advantage it has is the richness in variety on the different kinds of photos it stocks. Whatever your project is, you will surely find an appropriate image for it here.
This is another content rich website where you will find thousands of royalty free images for use in your website.
This site has a solid collection of different kinds of stock photos. All the photos are neatly arranged in categories to help you sift through and get the ones you are looking for faster.

Best Sources for Royalty Free Video Clips
Adding video clips is a common phenomenon in video editing. With the advent of the internet, you don't have to produce your own side shots to complement your raw clips. There are a number of places where you can download free video clips and use in your projects. They include the following-:
This place stocks different kinds of video clips ranging from low resolution to high resolution. Whereas you may be required to pay for the high res clips, there are thousands of low res clips that will still suit your needs.
If you are working on a project that incorporates blood splatters, smoke streams or explosions, then this is the best place to get free video clips for your project.
Movie Tools is one of the best resources out there for background as well as graphic video elements.
This is where you get different footages from around the world. All the footages are free to download and it doesn't require any subscriptions or signups.
Free Animal Videos is your ultimate source for all animal related video clips. The only caveat is that some of the videos in this site aren't taken by professionals hence they may look a bit amateurish. However, if you take your time, you can find some great clips for use if your video project.