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AI Copywriting Tool
The best editor helps you enhance productivity through auto-generative content.
  • Enhance videos with amazing ideas
  • Improve your writing skills
  • Analyze and personalize content

Revolutionizing Automated Copywriting with Jasper AI

Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan Originally published Aug 23, 23, updated Mar 27, 24

As kids, we heard that robotics would replace humans one day. AI software has already made a dramatic entrance in many fields. It has automated many processes by putting an end to human assistance. From academics to business AI has evolved the process a lot. For selling purposes, copywriting is one way to tell the audience about the services you provide.

AI has evolved this process by introducing automating tools like Jasper AI. The AI copywriting algorithms have evolved so much with Jasper writing that they can understand a user's psyche from a few instructions. They analyze the input to generate the most relatable outcomes. Look at the qualities of AI copywriting tools with Jasper AI writing.

In this article
  1. Part 1: The Induction of AI into Copywriting: Is it Necessary?
  2. Part 2: Some Knowledge About Jasper AI and Its Influential AI Copywriting
  3. Part 3: AI Copywriting Function of Wondershare Filmora
  4. Part 4: Reviewing Other AI Features Offered by Wondershare Filmora
  5. Conclusion
AI Copywriting Tool
The best editor helps you enhance productivity through auto-generative content.
Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 1: The Induction of AI into Copywriting: Is it Necessary?

The addition of AI copywriting, such as Jasper AI, may be optional, but it is a valuable addition to AI software. It assists in generating meaningful written content. Below, we are going to discuss the need for copywriting briefly:

1. Enhanced Productivity

AI-driven copywriting tools can enhance productivity through auto-generative content. The automatic creation of content from concise instructions saves both time and effort. Even if you want to generate organic content, these copywriting tools can give you creative suggestions and inspiration.

2. Improved Writing Skills

AI tools can assist copywriters in improving their writing skills. These tools can point out grammatical errors, sense of phrase, and spelling mistakes. They can also give vocabulary suggestions based on the genre you're writing. This feature maintains the quality of content and upgrades a writer's skills.

3. Choice to Customize

AI-based copywriting tools could analyze and personalize data according to the writer's preference. With deep learning and NLP systems, these tools can understand a writer's psyche and generate content accordingly. You can personalize your content with the right and continuous instructions. These tools can maintain the content's tone based on existing input.

4. Ethical Considerations

With the advancements in AI technology, ethical considerations are the main concern. As many people use the same tool for the same fields as education or business, it is common to have copywriting or plagiarism issues. To avoid copyright issues, AI-generated content should be reviewed properly. Another factor to be considered is that the content should be clear of any biases against genders or social groups.

Part 2: Some Knowledge About Jasper AI and Its Influential AI Copywriting

Suppose you are an online personality which is most certain because modern times have digitalized everything. You must have heard about AI copywriting tools. Well, these tools made a big difference in the world of content writing. AI Jasper is one of these tools, as it has made copywriting a child's play.

Jasper AI writing has reduced 80% of time consumption. The best part about Jasper AI is that it maintains your brand's identity by following the same tone as the previous data. This AI is best for businesses to boost their SEO and audience engagement. You can create a week’s content in hours by using this tool.

jasper ai tool

Exploring the Features of Jasper AI

Jasper AI writing can write effective content in a short duration. The tool can be used for both personal and professional gains. It is available as an online tool and an app, which can be assessed with further details:

1. Language Translation

When you're writing online blogs or running a brand online, your audience might be specific but not the region. You can write blogs, articles, or anything to gain international customers for your brand. Using Jasper AI, you can transform your content into 30+ languages.

language translation jasper ai
2. Chat

When robotics came, it wasn't easy and weird to interact with them. They used to understand a specific set of instructions in a specific manner. With advanced AI learning strategies, Jasper's chat between AI and its users is simple. It is like chatting with an online friend. They can communicate with you on any topic related to any field.

chat jasper ai
3. Art

Bringing your imagination to canvas was the most time-taking part of art as a profession. AI Jasper can bring your ideas to reality. You just have to tell the AI what's on your mind, and it will generate a picture of it. This feature operates on the text-to-image function, where you can even select the style of AI image with Jasper AI.

art jasper ai
4. Template Library

You not only get AI generative text but preset templates as well with Jasper AI writing. Its template gallery has over 50 different templates to fulfill your writing demands. Be it Google descriptions or ads for social media platforms; it can write everything in a specific manner.

templates library jasper ai

Pricing Plans of Jasper AI to Look Into

You can't expect something to be worthless with such upgraded AI features. Instead of spending money on each blog or script. You can buy Jasper AI's subscription and generate numerous content. Let's have a look into Jasper AI pricing:

Jasper AI Versions

Pricing Plans (per month)






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Part 3: AI Copywriting Function of Wondershare Filmora

All the AI auto-generative software or tools are integrated with APIs to operate. These API tools help them to communicate and generate better. Just like Jasper AI, Wondershare Filmora also collaborated with ChatGPT. With this collaboration, a new AI launch came forth. The AI copywriting tool in Filmora will help you auto-generate content ideas. It can auto-generate all types of text you want to add to your videos.

While assessing the AI features offered by both platforms, it seems evident that Filmora offers a more diverse opportunity to content creators. The variability offered in the features, from video to audio editing and much more, gives them the authority to create better content.

ChatGPT is Now Available in Filmora!

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Free Download

AI copywriting has applications in all disciplines. It assists in content creation and editing. It can add captions and subtitles to your videos meanwhile boosting the content's SEO. Here's how you can use this feature within Wondershare Filmora in different scenarios:

1. Before Video Creation

Step 1Launch Filmora and Access AI Copywriting

First, download the latest version of Filmora on your desktop. Initiate Wondershare Filmora, and go to the left panel of the main window. Choose the “Create Project" section from the provided window. Then proceed to select "AI Copywriting" on the main window.

start ai copywriting tool
Step 2Give Instructions to Generate Scripts

As you select "AI Copywriting," this opens a new window on the screen. Add your instructions or questions about the script and continue to "Generate." Users can ask 20 questions per day.

provide prompts
Step 3Use and Copy The Generated Results

Once the AI generates the required results, you can easily copy them and use them across your content. Also, you can access the “History” to observe the results that are generated on the AI tool.

generate and copy results

2. During Video Editing

InstructionsAccess AI Copywriting Tool Upon Adding Titles

You can do it while editing the text for your video in the timeline. Double-click the "Text" icon in the timeline toolbar and choose the "Quick Text" option. A panel will appear, leading to customization options. Tap the AI icon at the top right corner of the "Titles" tab. A small AI copywriting screen will appear. There you can auto-generate text through descriptions.

use ai copywriting tool in titles

3. After Video Editing

Step 1Add AI While Exporting the Video

Once you click "Export," a new window will appear. Along with the name option, you'll see an AI copywriting icon.

access ai copywriting on export
Step 2Use the Copywriting Tool

Click the icon, and a small screen will appear where you can add instructions in the description. Click "Generate" to generate output. You can also consider using the “Advanced Options,” after which you can export your video.

use copywriting tool before export

Part 4: Reviewing Other AI Features Offered by Wondershare Filmora

In former times, creators spent days editing a video to its perfection. The time and effort could have looked better for editing one video. With the advancement of machine learning and, specifically, AI, editing software and tools are developed. They help in automating editing and even creating a video. In line with Jasper's AI writing, Wondershare Filmora is also an AI video editing platform.

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Free Download

In addition to AI Copywriting features, Filmora has diverse AI features as well. These AI features help adjust, edit, and enhance your videos' flaws. Below are some of its features to assist you:

1. AI Image

You don't need to spend hours transforming your ideas into art when Filmora's AI image can do it for you. It runs on a text-to-image function. Filmora considers the demands of its users and generates results accordingly. After generating an AI image, you can alter its resolution per the platform you're using it for. Filmora offers you three different resolutions that matter.

2. Instant Mode

Who wants to go through a focused process of video editing? You must have been looking for shortcuts for your video editing projects. You can auto-edit your videos with Filmora's Instant Mode without any skills. It offers up to 115 video templates, can highlight the important parts, and offers a preview before finalizing.

3. AI Audio Denoise

Instead of spending hours and effort to eliminate the background noises from your videos, let Filmora do the job. Its AI audio denoise is made to remove nuisance from accurate points. It can auto-erase sounds like traffic, humming, and someone talking in the background.

4. Text to Speech

Make your presentations effective with Filmora's TTS function. It has made the process of video presentations or creating audio blogs handy. You can make voiceovers, customize a character's voice, and choose 10 voices. You can transcribe your text or audio into 25 different languages.


Now that you've reviewed the article, you know how convenient it is to write articles and blogs via Jasper AI. With the right instructions, you can generate SEO-boosted content and titles for your blogs and vlogs. It has made content creation a one-click process.

However, the enhanced and improved versions of Jasper AI are paid for. If you're looking for a free alternative, we recommend you use Wondershare Filmora. Not only does it offer AI copywriting but other AI upgrades as well.

Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan Mar 27, 24
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