10 Awesome Moving Animation PowerPoint Techniques
An easy yet powerful editor
Numerous effects to choose from
Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel
PowerPoints can be quite dull without anything to spice it up. So, this question is more than 100% warranted. Fortunately, we were able to pull together a tutorial on creating moving animation PowerPoint presentations.
Complete with some templates that you can start off with (if you’d prefer to make it as simple as possible for yourself.)
Part 1 6 Animated PowerPoint Templates with Interactive Features
The default people tend to-go-to when it comes to presentations are videos. As they tend to be more engaging on their own. For that, you’ll see people gravitating towards software like Filmora, which can create beautiful, eye-catching presentations that you can easily and quickly share. Not just to an immediate audience, but also on social media and the like.
However, of course, sometimes a personal touch is important in a presentation — important to have a ‘voice’ attached to the image on the screen. But just because this is the case, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go all out on your presentation. Hence, why moving animation PowerPoint templates are such a big deal:
01Company Presentation PowerPoint Template
For the first of the Moving Animation PowerPoint templates that we have to introduce, we chose the ‘Company Presentation PowerPoint Template.’ As you can perhaps guess from the name, it’s a very professional template. It comes with a total of 500 sample slides that you can choose from (50 of which are unique), and it’s set up with professional animations that can spice up your presentation without making it look gaudy or over-the-top.

02Move Animated PowerPoint Template
Next is the modern, minimalistic template called "Move Animated." This one is a lot more versatile, with every single one of the 144 unique slides available suitably animated. The best part of it is definitely the easy way in which it can be used. With the modern, minimalistic style, it’s easy enough to remove the presets and replace them with suitable company or product images to promote your content, idea, or project.

0340 Animated Conceptual Slides for PowerPoint
Again, we have another modern and minimalistic kind of PowerPoint template with ‘40 Animated Conceptual Slides for PowerPoint.’ It comes with 40 modern slides, all of which come fully animated are easy enough to customize with your own branding or content.

04UNIGRAPH - Animated & Creative Template (PPTX)
For a bit more fun, our next template is "UNIGRAPH." This still definitely fits the description ‘minimalistic’ but the pop of color and effects that it brings to the table gives it a different kind of vibe from all the others. No less professional, but certainly more fun. Of course, most importantly, perhaps, is the fact that each slide is smoothly animated.

05Graph & Charts PowerPoint Presentation
For this next one, we introduce a template set called "Graphs & Charts" for those who may want to present their products, projects, ideas, etc. in the shape of graphs and charts. It’s perfect for professionals, certainly. Especially with its clean look, brightened only by occasional pops of color that can be seen from the graphs and charts that it comes with.

06Laststyle - PowerPoint Template
This next PowerPoint template is most suited for businesses looking to promote their products. The creator of the template has provided five different colored versions of the template, each with 30 unique slides that were carefully sectioned with suitable animations.

Part 2 How to Create a Moving Animation in PowerPoint
Now we come to the point of the article where we speak directly to those who may want to experiment more by personally creating a moving animation PowerPoint. For this example, we’ll be teaching you how to create a path animation PowerPoint with the available tools that the software offers under ‘Animation.’ Stick around if you want to learn more.
01Step 1. Open Project.
First things first, of course. Start a new project. When you’ve started, move on to the Animation tab (which we’ve pointed out in the image below.)

02Step 2. Add Animation.
Then, make sure to select the object or model that you want to animate (in this case, we’ve inserted a 2D model of a businessman), and then click the ‘Add Animation’ button (shown in the image below.)

03Step 3. Choose Animation.
Under ‘Add Animation’ you’ll find several different options for animations that you can choose from. Of course, since our goal is to create a PowerPoint Motion Path Animation, we have selected one of the ‘Motion Path’ options.

04Step 4. Choose Motion Path Animation
In order to make motion animation in PowerPoint, you must select one of the offered ‘Motion Paths’ (i.e., Bounce, Line, Arcs, etc.) and then use the motion path tool that appears to control the direction you wish to make your character move.
In this example, we chose the ‘Lines’ motion path (1) and then used the line tool to create a path for our businessman model. To walk from the right side of the screen towards the left.

05Step 5. Adjust Animation.
With path animation PowerPoint complete, you can adjust as needed with the tools provided. For example, you can have the character start moving as soon as the slide opens, or wait until a minute has passed, you can extend the animation by changing duration, etc.

Part 3 10 Moving Animation PowerPoint Techniques
For this last step, we break down some important PowerPoint 3D Animation need-to-knows. Including the specifics provided by each of the options made available to you and why it’s important to explore every single one to create better and more professional-looking presentations.
When it comes to PowerPoint presentations, most people are no doubt the most familiar with ‘Transitions’ when talking in terms of adding animation into a presentation. This one decides whether you want to shift from one slide to another smoothly, or if you want the previous slide to break into splinters, or rotate into the next slide, and so on and so forth. It’s an ‘in-between’ animation that signals where one ends and the other begins.

Now, for the ‘Animations’ tab, we focus on animations that occur in the slide (not in-between like transitions). This can include a wide array of things. Whether it be characters moving (like shown in the tutorial we provided), text boxes appearing and disappearing in short order, images bouncing into view in dramatic fashion, and so on and so forth. There’s lots of potential here.

03Animation - Start
We mentioned this previously in the tutorial, but PowerPoint (which does not offer the more advanced 3D customization options), does still give you the freedom to choose how you want certain animations to work.
In the case of the ‘Animations-Start’ option, the goal is to decide when an animation starts playing. Do you want it to start after a click? Or maybe you want it to start up immediately? Whatever the case may be, this function will let you choose the specifics.

044. Animation - Duration
Next, we decide how long you want the animation to last. For example, if you chose to add a PowerPoint 3D rotation animation into a character, how long do you want it to spin before it settles into place? Perhaps only a second? Perhaps more? Whatever you chose, this is the option that will let you finalize that.

05Animation - Delay
This one is self-explanatory as well. But suffice to say, the ‘Delay’ option is for deciding how much an animation is delayed before starting. For example, if you chose to start it ‘On Click’ you can increase the delay to keep it from playing immediately on click.

06Break Up Presentation into Sections
A lot of PowerPoint templates, you’ll find, are naturally broken into sections. This is because it is easier to consume it in that way. It’s also a good signal to your audience as to what point of the presentation you are on. Are you in the beginning? The middle? Near the end? Etc. In this case, the best option for showing it is transitions that separate the sections from one another.

07Add Animation - Entrance
As promised earlier, we’ll be going through each type of animation is available under the ‘Add Animation’ option. The first is "Entrance" animations. This one is pretty easy to guess. It makes up a variety of animations that serve as its entrance animation. Here are some examples:
● Appear: To have objects appear without any other effect.
● Fade: To have objects fade into view.
● Bounce: To have objects bounce into view.
● Swivel: To have objects swivel into view.

08Add Animation - Emphasis
This next animation style is to give emphasis to an already-present object. For example, at a click, you can have a text box ‘Pulse’ and become the center of attention. You can change ‘Object Color’ to make it stand out. And so on.

099. Add Animation - Exit
Opposite of the ‘Entrance’ animations are the ‘Exit’ animations. You’ll notice that the style of animations is the same here. The only difference is that the animations occur to exit the project out of the presentation. For example, an image exiting to reveal text. Or text flying out to be replaced with more text, etc.

10Add Animation - Motion Path
We’ve already mentioned the PowerPoint Motion Path animation style previously, but just to reiterate some things, this is the most customizable animation feature on PowerPoint. One that allows you to move objects across the slide in whatever way you wish. In our example, we created a motion path animation that took the character from the center of the screen to the left of the screen.

● Key Takeaways from This Episode →
● While videos are the most popular way to share information, there are some presentations that require a heavier guiding hand.
● In these situations, a PowerPoint presentation, carefully animated, can serve in place of an edited video.
● There are templates available that you can take advantage of if you’d prefer to start with something to work from. We introduced some in this article that we think were particularly notable.
● But, of course, more careful personalization is sometimes necessary. In that case, we hope that you find our tutorial and our list of PowerPoint techniques helpful.