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How to Make High-Converting Call-to-Action Videos | Complete Guide with Tips

James Hogan
James Hogan Originally published Aug 23, 24, updated Sep 06, 24

You've spent ages making an awesome video. It's funny, it's cool, it's got everything going for it. But what happens after the "end" screen pops up? Most people just click away and forget all about you. Stats show that a staggering 80% of viewers forget a brand's message within 24 hours. That's a bummer, right? However, a compelling CTA in the video can counteract this and drive immediate action.

CTA acts as the final push that tells people what to do next. Maybe you want them to buy your stuff, sign up for your newsletter, or just check out your website. Well, people have short attention spans, like goldfish. If you don't tell them what to do right away, they'll forget. A strong call to action keeps your video fresh in their minds and encourages them to take action.

Getting a great CTA is challenging– it takes a bit of trying. In this article, we’ll tell you all the tricks and tips to create call-to-action videos that are as awesome as your videos. So, get ready and read on!

call to action video
In this article
  1. What are the Different Types of Video CTAs?
  2. 5 Strong Video CTA Examples You Must Try Out
  3. Create Engaging CTA Videos with Wondershare Filmora
  4. 7 Expert Tips for a Better Video CTA

Part 1. What are the Different Types of Video CTAs?

There are several ways to deliver a call to action in your videos.

  • Verbal CTAs:It is the most direct.It’s when the person in the video simply tells viewers what to do. "Subscribe to our channel," or "Click the link below" are common examples.
  • Text CTAs: They use words on the screen to guide viewers. These can be simple phrases like "Shop Now" or more detailed information about the next step.
  • Button CTAs: These are interactive elements that viewers can click on. These call-action videosare often visually distinct and lead to a specific page or action.
  • Image CTAs: They use pictures to prompt action. For instance, an arrow pointing to a product or a person clicking a button can encourage viewers to do the same.
  • Combined CTAs: It mixes and match these methods. For example, a video might end with a speaker saying "Click the red button below," while a red button with the word "Shop Now" appears on the screen.

Part 2. 5 Strong Video CTA Examples You Must Try Out

Want to turn video viewers into customers or subscribers? A strong call to action (CTA) can help you. Here are five attractive call-to-action video examples that you can try:

call to action video examples

Example 1: The Limited-Time Offer CTA

Make people act fast! Create a sense of urgency by offering a limited-time deal or discount. Offer a special deal that’s about to expire.

For example, Nike often drops limited edition shoes with a countdown timer and a "Last Chance to Save 20%" CTA. It's like a ticking clock that makes people buy now or miss out.

Nike call to action

Example 2: The Free Trial CTA

Want to hook people in? Reduce risk for potential customers by offering a free trial or sample.

Example: Spotify does this great with its free music streaming. It encourages users to upgrade to premium with CTA in videos like "Upgrade Now" or "Enjoy Ad-Free Music." Their CTA, "Upgrade Now," is simple and clear, tempting listeners to experience an ad-free life.

Spotify call to action

Example 3: The Social Proof CTA

People trust other people. Show off, happy customers! So, use customer testimonials and reviews to build trust. You can showcase positive feedback, using customer images or videos, and clear calls to action.

Example: Airbnb is a master at this. They use real people sharing their amazing stays to convince others to book. Their CTA, "Become a Host," turns viewers into potential hosts.

Airbnb call to action template

Example 4: The Question-Based CTA

Engage viewers with a thought-provoking question to encourage further action.

Example: HubSpot often uses question-based CTAs in their content marketing, such as "Is Your Website Optimized for Conversions?". Then, they offer a free website audit. It's like a puzzle they want to solve.

HubSpot call to action video

Example 5: The Clear and Direct CTA

Keep it simple with a clear and compelling call to action. Tell people exactly what to do.

Example: Amazon is the king of clear and direct CTAs. They use simple and actionable phrases like "Add to Cart," "Buy Now," or "Learn More." That’s all you need sometimes. No tricks, just action.

Amazon CTA

Remember, a great CTA isn't just about words; it's about timing, design, and understanding your audience. Experiment and find what works best for you!

Part 3. Create Engaging CTA Videos with Wondershare Filmora

Creating a killer call-to-action video doesn't have to be rocket science. With the right software, you can turn your ideas into reality. Enter Wondershare Filmora, a powerful yet user-friendly video editing software.

Filmora is packed with features that make creating engaging videos easy and quick. From basic trimming and cutting to advanced effects and color correction, it has everything for everyone. But what truly sets Filmora apart is its ability to help you create compelling call-action videos.

One of Filmora's greatest strengths is its collection of 5000+ pre-built templates. These professionally designed layouts can save you countless hours. Whether you need a sleek, modern look or something more playful, there's a template to match your style.

Wondershare Filmora call to action templates

But don't let the pre-made designs limit your creativity. Filmora allows you to fully customize these templates to match your brand identity. Use colors, fonts, and graphics to create a video that perfectly represents your business. Moreover, Filmora also has many advanced AI tools that can make your life easier. It’s the perfect software for every kind of video editing needs.

Steps to Create Call Action Videos in Filmora

Let's break down the process of creating a powerful call-to-action video using Filmora:

call to action video tutorial
  • Step 1. Download and Launch Filmora

Get started by downloading Filmora from the official website and installing it on your device. Open the software to begin your video creation journey.

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  • Step 2. Create a Project

Launch Filmora and click on "Create New Project." Choose the appropriate resolution and frame rate for your video.

create a project for CTA video
  • Step 3. Import Your Files

Gather all your video clips, images, and audio files. Import them into Filmora's media library for easy access.

import files for your video
  • Step 4. Apply the CTA Template

Filmora offers a variety of pre-designed CTA templates. Go to the “Templates” button and then choose “End Screen”. Download your chosen template and click the + icon to apply. Customize it with your brand colors, fonts, and messaging.

call to action video templates for free
  • Step 5. Edit your CTA Video

This is where you personalize your call-action video. Add text overlays, graphics, and music to enhance the impact of your message. Fine-tune the timing and placement of elements for maximum effectiveness.

  • Step 6. Export Your Video

Once you're satisfied with your CTA video, it's time to share it with the world. Choose the desired export format and resolution, and hit the export button.

export your CTA video

Part 4. 7 Expert Tips for a Better Video CTA

Creating the perfect call-action video is like finding the golden ticket to video success. Here are seven tips to help you create CTAs that catch viewer’s attention:

tips for engaging call to action in video
  1. Understand your audience: Know who you're talking to. What are their wants, needs, and pain points? Tailor your CTA to speak directly to them.
  2. Keep it Clear and Concise: Don't overcomplicate things. A simple, clear message is more effective.
  3. Match Your CTA to Your Content: Make sure your CTA in the videoaligns with the video's message. It should be a natural next step.
  4. Experiment with Different CTA Phrasings: Try different words and see what works best. A small change can make a big difference.
  5. Create a Sense of Urgency: Make people feel like they need to act now. Limited-time offers or scarcity can be powerful tools.
  6. Combine Visual and Verbal CTAs: Use both words and images to reinforce your message. A strong visual can complement your verbal CTA.
  7. Use Powerful Words and Persuasive Language: Choose words that evoke emotion and create a sense of desire.


A powerful CTA in video can convert viewers into customers. By understanding your audience, experimenting with different CTA types, and utilizing Wondershare Filmora, you can create videos that entertain and inspire action.

Filmora is an ideal platform for crafting engaging call-to-action videos. Wondershare Filmora emerges as a valuable tool in your video creation process. Its comprehensive features and engaging templates empower you to bring your CTA vision to life. By combining compelling storytelling, strong visual elements, and persuasive CTAs, you can create videos that not only captivate audiences but also drive desired actions.

Remember, a well-executed CTA is the final push to elevate your video marketing strategy. Continuously test and refine your CTAs to optimize results and maximize the impact of your video content.

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James Hogan
James Hogan Sep 06, 24
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