When it comes to improving the sound of the audio in your video editing projects, you have a variety of options to choose from when approaching the editing. Most plugins that we will cover today will be helpful for many different effects instead of only one particular one.
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1. Synchro Arts Revoice Pro
Let's talk about Revoice Pro 4. This is an awesome plugin for when you are finishing complex editing projects when you work with dialogues and need to synchronize other lines to fit the shot. Revoice Pro 4 combines timing and pitch alignment technology, together with as a pair of cutting-edge tuning tools and a natural-sounding vocal doubler for people working on the narrator voice.

For the video editors working in audio post-production, the stand out new feature added to Revoice Pro is Smart Align combined with a fast workflow, meaning that you don't need to leave Pro Tools to synchronize ADR to the location audio. Although Version 4.3 presented an ARA version of the Revoice Pro link plug-in for Logic Pro users, so providing immediate transfers back and forth between Logic Pro or higher Synchro Arts haven't counted out Pro Tools users by preparing a new set of AudioSuite plugins.
The APT procedures, used to align the pitch and timing of multiple vocal tracks, now includes SmartAlign. When this is turned on, it can align audio with significant gaps in the guide or even dub the audio. This feature enables you to align much longer performances, which in the past had to be divided into smaller sections.
As Revoice Pro has improved over the years, the latest version is giving you the ultimate workflow it should always have had in the past. Synchro Arts have been able to create the perfect workflow with an AudioSuite plugin, that runs Revoice Pro in the background without having to have to switch back between Revoice Pro and Pro Tools. Select your audio and the desiredRevoice Pro preset, process the audio in Revoice Pro and place it directly into the timeline without having to leave Pro Tools.
Smart Align and the Quick APT AudioSuite plugin made this fairly easy, yet powerful, workflow. Synchro Arts has also been able to fix the tasks of how to handle gaps. Before V4.3, you had to make sure there weren't any unexpected empty spots, or it was not able to work out what to do. Using Smart Align, it handles the gaps without any problems.
Whether you need to tighten any kind of pitch or timings on a vocal recording, Revoice Pro is the one for you. Revoice Pro is great for working with vocal recordings, but it's perfectly suitable for instruments like guitars and strings too.
Synchro Arts Revoice Pro is available for $599.
2. Red Giant Magic Bullet Colorista
This is a very interesting plugin. Colorista tries to cancel out the need for a separate color-specific program by increasing more color correction options. This plugin allows you to have more color control with tools for tints, temperatures, vignetting, RGB curving, and so forth. Colorista contains a three-way color function and support for LOG clips and LUT filters. Colorista is not a stand-alone program. It's designed to integrate into existing software and offer better functionality. Plugins let you design something that wasn't there originally. You don't have to load a certain project to activate them.

For years, Red Giant has been one of the biggest developers of plugins designed for video editing software. Among the other ones is the Magic bullet suite, which contains quite some plugins to solve video noise problems and do some color grading. We believe the versatility of Red Giant allow content creators and movie producers to let their ideas come to life, create dynamic art and create better content overall.
Even though Red Giant's Magic Bullet Suite is a plugin suite created for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro, it also works with other video editing software such as VEGAS Pro. The suite focuses on color correction and color grading improvements. VEGAS Pro is my software of choice, but one aspect of Premiere that I've always thought inadequate were the color correction tools. Looks is completely customizable, and a "preset" can be built up from zero. The Colorista suite comes with a lot of other plugins that have crucial roles in the color grading aspect of video editing. Denoiser II is ideal for clearing up scratchy footage.
Red Giant Magic Bullet Colorista is available for $199.
3. Boris FX Continuum 2022
The thriving film industry's filmmakers choose Boris FX Continuum. This package contains super strong, timesaving plugins for a smoother workflow with seventeen effects and quick fix plug-in options. Continuum Includes over 200 effects and more than 3500 presets. Each pair will be suitable for each project. Continuum 2022 is the latest biggest release of the post-production plugin collection. The release includes 6 transitions, 4 effects and nearly 100 professionally developed templates. It's definitely worth checking it out!

This 2022 release brings 50+ film and TV-inspired color grades to assist you in transforming the clips into amazing looks. Included presets like The Wizard of Oz, E.T., Euphoria, and The Grand Budapest Hotel. BCC+Light adds 50+ digital gobos templates to have the overall number of gobos ready to over 700 options.
Boris FX Continuum is available for $495 and $2,195 depending on your payment plan.