How to Draw Skeleton Cartoon – A Step by Step Guide
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We often see skeleton cartoons on t-shirts and phone cases. There is a famous skeleton cartoon show. Most of the shows are pretty popular, and the skeleton cartoon in the shows became quite trendy in the fashion industry. The trend of a skeleton cartoon character is very much relevant nowadays. One might think about how this skeleton cartoon is drawn.
Sometimes it is hand drawn or digitally drawn. Here is a step-by-step guide for you if you wonder how to draw a skeleton cartoon. This guide will effortlessly help you draw the most quirky and trendy skeleton cartoon.
Part 1 This Is What 5 Skeletons of Famous Cartoon Characters Would Look Like
From our very childhood, we have come across numerous cartoons shows. But have we ever wondered how the skeleton of these cartoon characters would look? No worries if you have not given a thought to this. This article can give you a small tour of the world where you will be able to see skeletons of a few famous cartoon characters that we have known since our childhood. The skeletons of famous cartoon characters are:
Charlie Brown, known as Charlie, is the main character in the comic strip Peanuts. This is a widely recognized American cartoon. Many people can relate to Charlie. Charlie is shy, nervous, and lacks confidence. These characteristics make him relatable to a chunk of common people. Charlie is referred to as the "Loveable Loser."Charlie is an overwhelmingly short and stout character physically. Have you ever imagined how Charlie's skeleton version would look? Here is how the skeleton cartoon of Charlie would look.

02Fred Flintstone
I have known very few people who do not know about Fred Flintstone. Fred Flinstone is the protagonist of the famous American sitcom show Yabba-Dabba-Dinosaurs and the entire franchise. The Flinstone is another show that features Fred with his family. Of course, the show's main attraction is the Flinstone family and the way this show is set. This show is set in a way that romanticizes a family living in a cave. Coming to talk about skeletons, have you ever thought that what if a skeleton cartoon show version of The Flintstone were made. How would this short, fat man with almost a square look as a skeleton? We can look up here how the skeleton version of Fred Flintstone looks:

The Bubble is one of the main characters of the popular TV cartoon show Powerpuff girls. The other protagonists are Blossom and Buttercup, her sisters. The Bubble is named Bubble because she is the bubbliest and most fun-loving among the three sisters. Bubble is a sweet little girl with a round face and big round eyes and short limbs. These characteristics in this character make it look cuter. But to think, how would we imagine Bubble in a skeleton version. This is how Bubble would look like a skeleton.

Dexter is the protagonist in the show Dexter's Laboratory. Dexter is one of the most outstanding kid scientists who have made great inventions in his secret laboratory. It would be more appropriate to call Dexter an anti-heroic protagonist. He works in his secret laboratory for various projects like stopping bullying worldwide. Dexter is a short young boy with curly hair. Dexter is mostly seen wearing a white lab coat and semi-circle goggles, like someone who is always working in a lab. Imagining Dexter as a skeleton can be hilarious. But this is how Dexter would look like a skeleton cartoon.

Pikachu is one of the characters or one of the Pokémons in the famous animated Japanese series Pokémon. Pikachu is a small yellow furry Pokémon. It seems very sweet to the audience and the general public, but it acquires a dangerous skill to give out an electric shock. This small yellow furry creature has featured in many films with the protagonist of the famous show Pokémon Ash Ketchum. This cartoon character has a presence in the fashion industry. It has been used to fashion dresses, bags, and many more. How would it be if we sat to think of a skeleton version of this furry creature? This may not a pleasant experience for everyone. The perfect way to demonstrate pikachu as a skeleton version would be:

Part 2 How to Draw Cartoon Skeletons With Step by Step
Have you ever tried drawing a skeleton cartoon character? You can use a skeleton cartoon to add a quirky effect to your project. You can draw an animated skeleton on your favorite t-shirt and change the vibe of the t-shirt. There are many methods to draw skeleton cartoon. Here we focus mainly on one way to draw cartoon skeleton. The method might seem difficult at the beginning, but the whole process becomes easier and smooth once you start following the steps. The steps are:
Step 1: To start with the drawing of the skeleton, let's start with the head or the skull. The head should be round, and the jaw area needs to be at some angle or angular and have smaller lines than the long rounded lines on the upper part of the skull.
Step 2: The mouth of the skull must be open, and then we need to concentrate on other features of the face like the teeth, nose, and cheekbone.

Step 3: After the head is complete, we focus on the neck and the chest area. To draw the neck, divide the neck into small sections to show the division in the neck portion, as shown in the picture.
Step 4: To start with the rib cage, we need to draw the spine. The spine can be drawn as a long thick line and should be a continuity of the neck, so the neck and the spine should be drawn in the same way and same line. It is to be drawn at the body's center, just below the head. You can refer to the example as shown below.
Step 5: After you have drawn the spine, to draw the rib, draw circles around the spine as if the curved lines demonstrating the rib are revolving around the spine.

Step 6: After the head and the chest region is complete. Focus on the hand. You can rest the arms any way you want. Since you are a beginner, this example shows the easiest ways to rest the hands when you are drawing a cartoon skeleton.
Step 7: The left arm will rest on the hips, and the right arm needs to be shown in a way so that it looks that the skeleton body is leaning on some object.
Step 8: Since the arms have divisions, the bones must be drawn the same way shown in the example with the same divisions on the arms.
Step 9: Keep in mind that both the arms must have equal bone divisions; otherwise, the drawing may look weird.
Step 10: Now you need to draw the hand. The hand is made of small bones. To draw the hand, divide it into small sections consisting of very small bones.

Step 11: After the hands are complete, the upper part of the body is complete. Now we need to focus on the lower part of the body.
Step 12: To start with the lower part of the body, we start with the hip portion.
Step 13: Show the hips with curved lines, and draw a round-like shape inside the curve to show the holes in the hips.
Step 14: After the hip is complete, start with the upper half of the legs. Draw a long bone from the hip to demonstrate the upper part of the leg.

Step 15: Now we need to concentrate on the other half of the leg. You can position the legs any way you want. Here in the example, the left leg will be crossed over the right leg.
Step 16: After the lower half of the legs is complete, the standing posture of the skeleton is set.
Step 17: Now we need to add the feet at the end of the leg. The feet are made of tiny pieces of bones; to draw the feet, divide them into small sections, as shown in the example.
Step 18: Draw the feet in a similar way to how you have drawn the hands.

Step 19: You can color your skeleton drawing or give your shading style after your skeleton drawing is done.
You can make quirky skeleton cartoon animations and compile them to a video, adding music effects. You might think you need different apps for the video and the audio editing part. That might be the case for other apps. Here is Wondershare Filmora Video Editor; you can edit your video, make slideshows, and edit the background sound score. Just imagine of not changing windows while editing your exciting project can be so comfortable!
For Win 7 or later (64-bit)
For macOS 10.12 or later
● Ending Thoughts →
● It might be astonishing for you to see the skeleton versions of your favorite cartoon characters from your childhood.
● It gives a quirky effect to our minds but, at the same time, leaves us wondering about the skeleton drawing cartoon.
● Now you know the methodof drawing a cartoon skeleton. You can make your version of a skeleton cartoon; you can create your style and interpretation. You can create a skeleton dog cartoon.
● You can use the method to make animations or even paint on your t-shirt or wall paintings to add a little quirkiness.
● The cartoon skeleton gives a cool vibe. You can use your animation as your wallpaper. Keep quirking!