One of the best kinds of video ideas for all the beauty gurus that they can make and upload on their YouTube Channel is the Skin Care. Reviewing products such as cosmetics, skin care and hair care products or any kind of lifestyle grooming products can be really beneficial for your viewers. Product advertisement is all over there and people are really confused and they wonder whether it is worthy enough or not if it is effective or not. That is when they take the help of internet and video to find their answer.
In this Article I’ll share to you some of the Skin Care vlog ideas for you to start doing a skin care review on your YouTube channel. But before that I’ll share with you how important is skin care?
In this article
1. How Important is Skin Care?
Good skin care is important for the following reasons: It helps your skin stay in good condition
You’re shedding skin cells throughout the day, so it’s important to keep your skin glowing and in good condition. A skin care routine is not just to help you look good, it’s essential for your skin’s health
That is why most people now a days are looking for a video or a vlog about skin care.
2. Daily Skin Care Routine Vlogs
This vlog can give your viewers an information on what skin care you use daily. Here you can share how you use it step by step and you can also share what products you are using for them to have an idea.
This may share to your viewers how important a daily skin care to their skin because an effective skin care may help prevent acne, treat wrinkles and help keep skin looking best.
The goal of sharing your skin care routine is to inform your viewer or subscriber the importance of taking care of your skin daily and also the good product you may use.

3. Skin Care Product Review Vlogs
This vlog will give your viewers more knowledge about the products.
Now a days most people get all the information they want in watching YouTube videos. People often watch skin care reviews on YouTube first before they decide to buy. So, you must clearly provide a correct and honest information about the product. In reviewing a product especially skin care, you need to help the viewers understand all the information contained in the products, you must be very specific when you explaining.

4. Skin Care Unboxing Vlogs
For those unfamiliar with the format, unboxing videos are when YouTubers share the unpacking of a special products. Unboxing videos are one of several formats native to YouTube that have grown up along with the YouTube generation. People wanted to share their enthusiasm for their new purchases such as beauty products or skin care products. Influencer or content creator unpacks new consumer products on camera while discussing the respective product’s features, branding, packaging, and other relevant details.
From this Vlog your viewers will have an idea what products look like or what brand of products they will buy.
5. Empty Skin Care Vlogs
I have personally watch other content creator doing this kind of vlog and for me it helps viewers to know more about beauty guru favorites skin care or their thoughts after using this kind of products.
In this vlog you will share to your audience why did you run out of products? how is the product to you, your experience while using the products, is it worth it for them to buy and if given a chance will you buy this product again? Because it is also important for them to know if the products are ok with your skin, especially sometimes the brand owner is watching the vlogs for them to have an idea about your thoughts of their products.
6. Skin Care Recommendation Vlogs
As a skin care vlogger, I often make this kind of vlog, I really enjoy doing this vlog specially when the products are effective to me, I really excited to share this information to my viewers.
Here in this vlog, you can show or recommend products that have been effective for you. Just explain in every detail how you used it and why it was effective for you. Also don’t forget your proofs of using the products, specially show them the before and after photos.

7. Choosing a Video Editing Software for You
If you’re looking for editor software that can help your skin care vlogs stand out from your competition Wondershare Filmora is one the easy-to-use editing software, a beginner in video editing can easily create a stunning and creative video.
Wondershare Filmora Video Editor has action camera tools that can fix any problem with camera, share and add effects like slow motion and reverse. These tools can really help with product review vlogs especially when doing skin care reviews.

It allows noise cancellation in the background of your audio so that your viewers can better understand what you are saying about the products. Doing a skin care product review is in need a clear audio because viewers focus on what your thoughts or opinion about the product for them to have some ideas.

Filmora has the ability to blur video, which you can use especially when you display products in the viewer, you need to blur the background to focus on the products you are showing.

Filmora provide the user an extraordinary feature to edit and export videos up to a resolution of 4k.