Note: This video tutorial is compatible with Filmora V11, V12 and V13 versions.
You can perform color correction in Filmora by adjusting brightness, saturation, contrast, tint, temperature, and white balance and applying 3D LUT. You can use color tools to correct the imperfections in your raw footage after capturing it with your camera. Filmora's color correction tools make your videos look natural, more appealing, vibrant, consistent, and professional.
Color Correction Presets
How to Adjust Color Correction
The Adjust tab allows you to fine-tune your color settings. Below are the parameters you can adjust in Filmora.
Exposure: a positive value lightens the colors in the video clip, while a negative value darkens them. You can use this setting to fix over and underexposed images. Exposure darkens and lightens by affecting the image highlights.
Brightness: Use this slider to brighten or darken your video.
Contrast: This slider adjusts the contrast between the darks and the lights in the image. Drag the slider forward to darken the dark areas of your image and lighten the light areas. To lighten the light areas, drag the slider backward.
Vibrance: You can use the Vibrance slider to increase the intensity of more muted colors while leaving the already saturated colors alone. You can use it on not-so-colorful things, such as mountains, stones, and sand.
Saturation: This slider targets anything in your image that has color. Drag the slider forward to increase the intensity of the color in the image. Dragging the slider backward will make the color less intense, making it look gray.
Amount: Dragging the slider left will make the corners of your video black. Drag the slider to the right to brighten them.
Feather: Use this slider to adjust the sharpness of the edges of the vignette. Dragging the slider right will make the edge blurrier. Drag the slider to the left to achieve a cleaner line.
Size: Dragging the slider to the left side to increase the area of the video affected by the vignette.
Roundness: Drag the slider to the right side to turn the vignette's shape closer to a circle.
Exposure: You can use this slider to adjust the video's exposure.
Highlight: Use this slider to choose whether the blurry edges of the vignette will be darker or brighter.
How to Color Correct in Filmora
Follow these steps to apply color correction with Filmora.