Filmora - AI Video Editor
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Pro Video Scopes for Mac

Wondershare Filmora, being a professional video editor, offers four types of video scopes. At first, only a histogram was added, but now, three more have been introduced in the new version to help editors with color balancing and correcting. To gain proper knowledge of these video scopes and access them, read the guide given below:

Access the Video Scope Option

With Filmora's accessible interface, accessing video scopes is child's play, but if you are using it for the first time, here is the step-by-step procedure:

Step 1: Download Filmora and Create a New Project

To access this professional editing feature of Filmora, first download the new version for your Mac. Launch it, locate the "Profile" icon at the top bar of the main menu, and log in or sign up. To access this feature, you need to access the editing window first. For this purpose, navigate to the center of the screen and click on the "New Project" button.

create project in filmora
Create project in filmora
Step 2: Accessing Video Scopes

Once you're in Filmora's main interface, head to the top right corner of the preview screen at the right. There, you'll find a "Video Scope" button; click it, and the video scope bar will show up on the preview screen.

look for video scope button
Look for video scope button
Step 3: Customizing the Video Scopes

In addition to that, users can customize the layout of the Videoscope bar by clicking on the icon at the top right corner of it. They can choose from four layout options. Additionally, they can expand the button displaying the Video Scope's name and modify the display options for each of the video scopes.

change video scope layout
Change video scope layout
Step 4: Start With Managing Vectorscope Video Scope

Manage different video scopes displayed across the preview screen. For instance, you can define the skin tone indication with the "Vectorscope" video scope.

set vectorscope scope
Set vectorscope scope
Step 5: Change Other Video Scope in Window

While you can change the locations of the video scope type in the same window, there are other video scopes that help you control the color grading of the video. You can view the color changes through the "Waveform", "Histogram", and "Parade" video scopes. Change the color channels for viewing specific changes in the color across the video.

manage other video scopes
Manage other video scopes