Filmora - AI Video Editor
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Think Bigger From Filmora User Guide

Change Playback Quality

You can adjust the playback quality of the Preview window for a smoother editing experience. For example, you can improve the performance of your preview by playing your video at a lower resolution than you want for your finished project or by creating proxy media files to edit with.

Proxy files are more manageable versions of your clips that are easier to edit because they are smaller in terms of data (i.e. they are at a lower resolution). You can edit with a proxy file in Filmora, then export with your full-sized original clip.
  • If Filmora detects lags, it will prompt a message to ask you to lower playback quality.
  • Reducing your playback quality can eliminate lags and save you time. Click the playback quality control menu, and then choose from these options:
manage timeline
  • Full: preview your video without changing the original resolution
  • 1/2: preview your video at 1/2 the original resolution
  • 1/4: preview your video at 1/4 the original resolution
The reduced playback resolution only applies to the video preview and will not affect the export settings.
Bonus: Want to learn more? Let's get started >> How to reverse playback with Filmora