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Open Project

Learn how to open Filmora projects for Windows.

Filmora for Windows can open project files created with earlier versions of Filmora.

Open an Existing Project in Startup Window

When you launch Filmora, your most recent projects will be shown in the Project Files. Select the target project to reload the. wfp project file. If your project isn't shown in the Project Files, click Open Project to locate it.

Open a project from the Project Files

Open an Existing Project in Editing Panel

Besides opening projects at the startup window, you can also open an existing project when editing. Click File > Open Project (Ctrl+O) or File > Open Recent to locate the. wfp file.

Open an Existing Project in Editing Panel
Open an Existing Project in Editing Panel

Open a project in Filmora Cloud 

If you back up your project in the Wondershare Filmora Workspace, you can find your uploaded project from the Filmora Cloud  in Startup Window.

Open the uploaded project in Cloud