Filmora - AI Video Editor
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Wondershare ID

Use your Wondershare ID to activate your software, manage licenses, access Filmstock, and more.

Retrieve or Reset Your Password

Retrieve your password

If you forgot your password, you can retrieve it with your Wondershare ID by the following steps:

  • Launch Filmora, click on the Login icon, enter your Wondershare ID, and then tap on Next.
  • Please click “Forget your password?”.

forget password icon

  • Then you will be prompted to the Wondershare account center. Please enter your email and click Next.

go to wondershare account center

  • A verification code will be sent to your email. Please enter the code you received, and click Verify Code.

check verify code

  • Set your new password, and click Next.

set new password

  • Once done, go back to sign in your Wondershare ID using the new password.

Change Wondershare ID Password

To ensure the security of your account, it’s a good idea to periodically change your WSID password. Here’s how:

change wondershare account password