Filmora - AI Video Editor
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Share Video to TikTok from Filmora

When you finish editing a video clip in Filmora, you can also export and share it to TikTok directly. Follow the steps below:

1. Go to “Export” and select the “Create Video” option, and you’ll see the TikTok share window.


2. Click on “Log in” icon from the window, and you’ll be led to the “Log in to TikTok” page.


3. You’ll see 7 login options; choose the one you registered in TikTok. (If you don’t have a TikTok account, you’ll need to create one from here.)


4. Here we take the phone number as an example, enter the number and login code, and then click “Log in” to proceed.


5. Once you log into your TikTok account successfully, authorize Filmora to connect with TikTok, and you’ll see a window below.


6. You can customize the video and audio settings in Filmora before sharing it with TikTok.
